Should You Build a Dental Clinic from Scratch or Takeover an Existing One?

Thinking of starting your dental clinic? Well, if you’re a dentist or doctor who wants to open your own clinic, you’re in for a wild ride. When you start down this road, one of the most critical decisions you’ll have to make is whether to open a new dental clinic or buy an existing one.

In this blog, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Because the possibilities differ, there will be no one-size-fits-all answer. As a result, I include a suggestion for which solution is most suited to whom at the end. Ideally, it will assist you in making an informed decision that meets your interests and goals.


Starting a New Dental Clinic: Building from Scratch 


A look at the Advantages:

Customized Vision: 

  • With a new clinic, you have the option to shape it to your specific vision.
  • Everything from the logo to the layout may be customised to fit your own style and business philosophy. 
  • It’s an opportunity to create an environment that truly connects with you and your patients.

Brand New Equipment: 

  • Beginning from scratch allows users to add the most recent breakthroughs in dental technology and purchase everything brand new. 
  • From digital X-ray machines to modern treatment equipment, you may outfit your clinic with cutting-edge technology, boosting your capacity to give excellent care. 
  • Also, while goods are brand new, you may not have to worry with repair charges.

Establishing a Reputation: 

  • When you open a new clinic, you have the opportunity to start from fresh. Your imagination is your only limit. 
  • From creating your tagline to meeting your community. You may develop deep connections and establish your brand as a trusted name in the community by providing outstanding patient experiences and individualised care.


A look at the Disadvantages:

Upfront investment

  • Establishing a new clinic requires a considerable upfront investment, which includes office space, equipment, and marketing. 
  • Not to mention the time it takes to obtain a permit. As a result, you may have to incur fees such as rent and financing payments while being unable to operate.
  • It may take some time to repay your investment and attain profitability. 
  • Financial planning and acquiring appropriate money are critical phases in this process.

Patient Acquisition: 

  • Establishing a robust patient base might be difficult for a new dental clinic. 
  • To attract patients who are unfamiliar with your practice, you may need to engage in active marketing and community outreach. 
  • Consumers tend to stick with their “regular” dentist, so attracting patients will be difficult at first. 
  • Throughout the early phases, patience and tenacity are essential.


Buying an Existing Dental Clinic: Building on a Foundation


A look at the Advantages:

Pre-existing Patient Base: 

  • One of the biggest advantages of purchasing an existing clinic is inheriting a preexisting patient base. 
  • These patients already have faith in the practice and its reputation, laying a solid basis for your expansion. 
  • It saves you time and effort when looking for new patients.

Established Systems and Processes: 

  • Taking over an existing clinic entails entering a pre-existing infrastructure. 
  • Administrative processes, manpower, regulatory permits, and systems are frequently already in place, saving you the time and effort of having to start from scratch. 
  • This can help you get started faster and focus on providing outstanding customer service.

Income from Day One: 

  • Unlike a new dental clinic, an established practice usually generates cash right away. 
  • By purchasing an established clinic, you can escape the initial financial challenges of starting from scratch and instead focus on optimising and broadening the current operations.


A look at the Disadvantages:

Adaptation Hurdles: 

  • Blending into an established clinic may present some difficulties.
  • It may take some time to acclimatise to current procedures, systems, and personnel dynamics.
  • During this moment of adjustment, effective communication and a willingness to adapt are essential.
  • Not only for the buyer but more significantly for the current employees. They will have to adapt to your way of doing things.

Possible Restrictions: 

  • When you buy a clinic, you inherit both its strengths and weaknesses. 
  • You may need to assess whether the current clinic is in line with your vision and objectives. 
  • If the former owner, for example, had a different treatment philosophy, you may encounter opposition while implementing new procedures or services.


New Clinic vs. an Existing Clinic: What would you choose?


Who should go for a New Clinic? 

  • You have a vision for a one-of-a-kind and revolutionary dentistry clinic.
  • You are prepared to put in the time and money required to launch a new business.
  • You are confident in your abilities to attract new patients.
  • You have the experience and expertise to manage a dental practice.

Beginning from scratch may be the best option for you if you are a dentist with a clear vision, a desire for innovation, and the financial means to invest in a new enterprise. It’s an opportunity to construct your dream practice and leave an unforgettable impact on the dentistry scene. However, it can also demonstrate that you couldn’t locate an established clinic that met your demands and aims.


Who should go for an Established Clinic? 

  • You want a practice that is already up and going.
  • You wish to avoid the hazards of launching a new business.
  • You are willing to adapt to the practice’s current culture.
  • You lack confidence in your capacity to establish a patient base from the ground up.

It may be more challenging to create a patient base from scratch if you are in a competitive market. In this instance, purchasing an established dental clinic may be a better option.

Establishing a new dental clinic can be costly, so be sure you have the appropriate funding in place. If you have a limited budget, purchasing an existing practice can be a better option.

If you are a new dentist, you may want to consider purchasing an existing practice and learning from the previous owner’s experience.

Ultimately, if you want a leg up on the competition, a ready-made patient base, and a simpler transition into practice ownership, buying an existing clinic may be the way to go. It allows you to build on the previous owner’s foundation while adding your own flair and direction.

Should You Build a Dental Clinic from Scratch or Takeover an Existing One?

At the end of the day, the decision to open a new clinic or buy an existing one is determined by your own circumstances, ambitions, and preferences. It is critical to carefully weigh the advantages as well as disadvantages of each option, taking into account considerations such as financial resources, time limits, and your vision for your dental clinic.

Realize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each dentist and doctor is unique, and what works for one may not work for someone else. Get guidance from experienced dental experts, consultants, and even fellow clinic owners who have made similar decisions in the past.


Few Scenarios to Get a Better Picture


Scenario 1: The aspiring entrepreneur

Dr. Negi is a recent dental school graduate with a strong desire to establish a cutting-edge dental practice that reflects her distinct philosophies and approach to patient care. She has a distinct vision for her practice’s design, layout, equipment, and staffing. She is also willing to invest the time and money required to launch a new business and is confident in her ability to attract new patients.

Recommendation: Dr. Negi should think about opening a new dental clinic. This will allow her to create the practice of her dreams while avoiding the difficulties of adapting to an existing culture.

Scenario 2: The experienced dentist seeking a change

Dr. Reddy is an experienced dentist who has spent several years working at a corporate dental clinic. He is fed up with the bureaucracy and lack of control over his practice. He is also looking for a practice that is more concerned with patient care than with profit.

Recommendation: Dr. Reddy should think about purchasing an existing dental clinic that already reflects his values and goals. This will allow him to take over an existing practice rather than starting from scratch.

Scenario 3: The risk-averse dentist

Dr. Sharma is a conservative dentist in search of a stable and established dental practice. She is not interested in the difficulties of starting a new business and would rather take over an existing patient base and staff members.

Recommendation: Dr. Sharma should think about purchasing an existing dental clinic with a good reputation. This reduces her risk and provides a solid foundation for her dental practice.

Scenario 4: The budget-conscious dentist

Dr. Prasad is a recent dental school graduate with limited financial means. She cannot afford the start-up costs associated with establishing a new dental clinic. She is also willing to adapt to a pre-existing culture and is unsure of her ability to build a patient base from the ground up.

Recommendation: Dr. Prasad should look into purchasing an existing dental clinic that is being sold at a low cost. This will enable her to own a dental practice without making a significant financial investment.

Scenario 5: The dentist looking for a quick entry into the market

Dr. Patel is a seasoned dentist looking to break into a new city’s dental market. He lacks the time and resources to establish a new dental clinic from the ground up.

Recommendation: Dr. Patel should think about purchasing an existing dental clinic in the city where he wants to practise. This will allow him to begin seeing patients right away, avoiding the difficulties of building a patient base from scratch.

I hope these scenarios help to clarify the decision of whether to open a new dental clinic or purchase an existing one. The decision to open a new dental clinic or buy an existing one represents a significant step forward in your professional career. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. 


Whether you choose to start from scratch or build on an existing foundation, remember that your passion, dedication, and commitment to providing exceptional dental care will ultimately determine your success.

It’s time to assess your goals, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision that is in line with your professional objectives. Whether you choose to leave your own legacy or build on the accomplishments of others, the world of dentistry is eagerly awaiting your contribution. 


Furthermore, if you require any additional information or guidance on the business side of the dental industry, or if you are still unsure whether to open a dental clinic, please contact me at Best wishes on your exciting Dental Clinic ownership adventure!