5 Business Books Entrepreneurs Can’t Afford To Miss Out On

The markets are constantly changing and evolving, but the fundamental human behaviour that drives sales remains constant. People want everything handed to them; they want to hijack the process, and they want immediate results.


Therefore, businesses should focus on addressing the needs of their customers and solving their problems. Customers are not interested in you, your company, or your product. They are interested in themselves, their problems, and their families.


That’s why money is not attracted to selfish people, but it’s attracted to businesses that solve problems. People who add value to others’ lives and fulfil their needs are more likely to succeed. 


This can be achieved through content creation, inventing a product, or reinventing it. By building something that makes people pay money for it, businesses can create a successful and sustainable revenue stream. Therefore, it’s important to ask ourselves, “What do we have to offer the world?


When people perceive that they are being manipulated, they become guarded and resistant to any sales pitch. It’s essential to let them feel that they are in control and making decisions of their own accord. If you can achieve this, you will be able to sell your products or services effectively.


In this article, I will share five fundamental business books that every entrepreneur should read to dominate their industry and build a flourishing business.


  • The Lean Startup 

-by Eric Ries

5 Business Books Entrepreneur Can’t Afford To Miss Out On


Hello, fellow entrepreneurs! Strap in because I’ve just discovered a game-changer for your enterpreneur journey: Eric Ries’ “The Lean Startup.” This book is my North Star in the turbulent universe of startups. Ries creates a road map for success by advocating a mindset shift: abandon rigid business plans in favour of a flexible, iterative approach.


Revolutionary Mindset

Ries questions the conventional wisdom that extols detailed business plans. Instead, he advocates for a “build-measure-learn” cycle to help you adapt and thrive in the volatile startup ecosystem.


Global Relevance

Ries’ principles are universally applicable whether you’re launching the next Silicon Valley unicorn or a local mom-and-pop shop. He seamlessly blends theory with real-world examples, making it relatable regardless of the size of your business.


Data-Driven Decision Making

Goodbye, gut instincts, and hello, data-driven strategies. Ries emphasises the importance of customer feedback and metrics in enabling you to make informed business decisions.


Innovate or Die

“The Lean Startup” is more than a book; it’s a survival manual. Ries teaches us how to innovate effectively, allowing our businesses to grow while avoiding the pitfalls that have suffocated countless startups.


So, if you’re ready to transform your entrepreneurial journey, pick up a copy, absorb Ries’ wisdom, and prepare to pivot your way to success. Believe me, your future self will thank you!



  • Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

-by Phil Knight

Shoe Dog


I just finished Phil Knight’s “Shoe Dog,” and let me tell you, it’s a must-read for anyone hustling in business. Knight takes us on an exhilarating rollercoaster ride through the birth and evolution of Nike, which is more than just a company – it’s a journey of passion, perseverance, and the power of a crazy idea.


A Raw Entrepreneurial Odyssey

Knight’s memoir is an engrossing story that combines business acumen with personal anecdotes. You’ll experience the excitement of the early days, the struggle for survival, and the triumph of transforming dreams into a global empire.


Global Insight

“Shoe Dog” is more than just sneakers; it’s a global adventure. Knight’s encounters with international markets, challenges, and triumphs teach entrepreneurs how to navigate the complexities of a global business landscape.


Innovate or Die

The book exemplifies the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation. Knight’s ability to take risks, innovate, and adapt is a recipe for success in any industry. It’s a wake-up call to leave your comfort zone and venture into the unknown.


People First

People are vital in business, according to Knight. The relationships he cultivates, and the team he assembles serve as a reminder that success is a team effort. This is more than a book; it is a leadership lesson.


Inspiration on Every Page

“Shoe Dog” is a motivational masterpiece, whether you’re a startup enthusiast or a seasoned entrepreneur. It rekindles your passion, rekindles your vision, and reminds you that even the most successful brands began with an idea.


In a nutshell, “Shoe Dog” is a mentorship session with one of the world’s greatest business minds. It’s a page-turner that will leave you feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to take on your entrepreneurial dreams. Lace-up your business boots and enter the world of Nike; you won’t be sorry.



  • REWORK: Change the Way You Work Forever

-by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

5 Business Books Entrepreneur Can’t Afford To Miss Out On


If you’re ready to change the way you think about work and business, read “REWORK” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. This book is a shot of espresso for your entrepreneurial spirit, providing cutting-edge insights in a concise, no-nonsense package.


Stripped-Down Wisdom

Fried and Hansson cut through the clutter, providing sound advice without the fluff. It’s a breath of fresh air in a sea of entrepreneur jargon.


Adopt Constraints

Instead of viewing limitations as obstacles, “REWORK” teaches you how to transform them into opportunities. Learn how constraints can act as a catalyst for innovation and efficiency.


Kill the Meetings

Say goodbye to endless meetings that sap your creativity and time. Learn to communicate effectively without getting bogged down in pointless debates. Isn’t time money?


Build What You Need

Don’t wait for the right time or the right product. “REWORK” encourages you to begin small, iterate quickly, and develop what you require right now. Your company will thank you later.


Be a Profitable Rebel

Defy conventional wisdom and carve your own path to success. This book is about rewriting the rules and making them work for you, not following the crowd.


“REWORK” is a game changer that will alter your perspective on work and business. This book is your road map if you want to break free from traditional moulds and write your own success story. Happy reading, and even better entrepreneurship!



  • Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

-by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel

Zero To One


Strap in for a mind-bending ride with “Zero to One” by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel, a startup paradigm shifter. This book is more than just a guide; it’s a philosophical road map for those brave enough to disrupt industries.


Unlock the Secrets

Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, reveals more than just startup secrets; he reveals the secret sauce to creating a brighter future. Learn how to avoid competition and establish a monopoly, transforming your company from zero to one.


Contrarian Thinking

Prepare yourself for unconventional wisdom. Thiel questions conventional entrepreneurial wisdom and encourages you to think differently. Accept unconventional ideas and challenge the status quo.


Innovation Unleashed

Learn the art of innovation. “Zero to One” delves deeply into the significance of novel ideas and innovation. Learn how to make something truly one-of-a-kind that disrupts markets.


Team Dynamics

It is not only about you; it is also about your team. Masters and Thiel emphasise the importance of assembling an A-team, stating that a strong, cohesive unit is the foundation of success.


Practical Wisdom

This isn’t just theoretical mumbo-jumbo. “Zero to One” is a must-read for anyone serious about achieving entrepreneurial success because it provides actionable insights.


Set out on a transformative journey with “Zero to One,” your ticket to creating a future that does more than just follow trends. Prepare to be challenged, innovated, and elevated in your entrepreneurial endeavours!



  • The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers 

-by Ben Horowitz

5 Business Books Entrepreneur Can’t Afford To Miss Out On


Let’s jump into the final book on my list of must-reads for any business trailblazer: Ben Horowitz’s “The Hard Thing About Hard Things.” Believe me when I say that this is a show-stopper.


Real Talk

Horowitz does not sugarcoat the entrepreneurial journey; instead, he shares the raw, unfiltered truth about starting a business. It’s as if you have a seasoned mentor whispering challenging but invaluable lessons directly into your ear.


No Fluff, Just Wisdom

The raw authenticity of this book is what sets it apart. Horowitz delves into the most difficult aspects of business, providing practical advice on navigating the unpredictable terrain of entrepreneurship. It’s not a success manual; it’s a survival guide for when things get really tough.


Battle-Tested Strategies

The author shares battle-tested strategies that worked (or didn’t work) during his time in the trenches, drawing on his own experiences. It’s a treasure trove of real-world anecdotes that will speak to anyone who has faced the terrifying “no easy answers” moments in business.


Leadership Unveiled

The way Orowitz views leadership is refreshing. He debunks the myth of perfect decision-making and exposes the vulnerability that comes with being in charge. It’s a reassuring read for leaders who are grappling with the weight of difficult decisions.


“The Hard Thing About Hard Things” is more than just a book; it’s a lifeline for entrepreneurs navigating rough waters. This one is for you if you’re willing to confront the messy reality of business and emerge stronger on the other side. Cheers to overcoming adversity!


As an entrepreneur, you know that the key to success is staying ahead of the curve. But with the markets constantly changing, how can you ensure that you’re on the right track? The answer lies in understanding the fundamental human behaviour that drives sales. 


People want solutions to their problems, not just products or services. By addressing your customers’ needs and adding value to their lives, you can create a sustainable revenue stream and dominate your industry.


To achieve this, you need to adopt a customer-centric approach and focus on building something that people will pay money for. This can be achieved through content creation, inventing a product, or reinventing it. 


But it’s not just about what you offer; it’s also about how you offer it. Customers want to feel in control and make their own decisions. By empowering them and providing them with the information they need to make informed choices, you can sell your products or services effectively.


To help you on your journey, I recommend reading these five essential business books. Whether you’re looking to innovate, navigate global markets, or change the way you work forever, these books offer a wealth of knowledge and insights that will help you achieve your goals. 


So why wait? Invest in your future and take your business to the next level. Schedule a FREE Discovery Call with AJ (me) to explore solutions that can help you achieve your business goals.